Vanquish Me Specialist
The Center for Internal and Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine Doctors & Internists located in Alpharetta, GA

The Center for Internal & Integrative Medicine prides itself on offering only the best aesthetic technologies on the market.
BTL VANQUISH ME is the next generation of contactless technology for circumferential reduction of the abdomen and the thighs.
VANQUISH ME is an FDA-cleared 45-minute contactless, non-invasive treatment that requires zero downtime and delivers big results. This exclusive technology allows for the volume and fat reduction of multiple areas.
When treating the stomach, VANQUISH ME is able to reach the abdomen and the love handles. If treating the thighs, both the inner and outer thighs are affected. The VANQUISH ME treatment disrupts fat cells through heating of adipose (fat) tissue leading to fat cell shrinkage and elimination. Unlike many fat-reducing invasive procedures, VANQUISH ME is not limited to a BMI of under 30.
VANQUISH ME proves to be an excellent non-surgical option for patients with stubborn fat pockets (muffin top, love handles, saddlebags). This non-invasive fat reduction procedure can lead to the loss of up to 2” of belly fat and a more contoured shape.
VANQUISH ME is affordable, safe and pain free. Four treatments, one per week, are recommended to optimal results. Call us today to book your first session!
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